Zetacloud Logozetacloud

Monitoring & Reporting

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Proactively monitor systems, services and apps with reporting

Monitor hardware
Resource utilzation
Remote monitoring
🌐 Reporting Dashboard
Security flagging
Metal, VM CPU loads
Memory utilization
Access logs
DB access control
Network monitoring
Internal audits
Regulatory audits
Backup reports
🌐 Proactive watch
🌐 Cluster watch

✅ Core component ● 💠 Optional service ● 🌐 Add-ons

Get Complete Insight Into Your Users, Servers and Services

Our master nodes provide appliances that do all of the monitoring and reporting of usage, access, uptime, load, etc. This allows our clients to make decisions based on data, find bottlenekck and track the impact of any changes they make to their infrastructure. We cannot stress enough how important it is for clients to use a data-driven approach to infrastructure upgrades. Though everyone understands how important it is to take a data driven approach to understanding your IT infrastructure, because of the complexity of setting up the tools to do these tasks, most people tend to ignore it.

Zetacloud makes it really simple for clients to set up with us doing all of the heavy lifting and the clients only seeing the results!